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Baby Boy Studio Session | Tampa, FL Newborn Photographer

Loved seeing this baby boy for his newborn photography session at my Plant City studio. I did mom’s maternity session when she was pregnant with him (which was incredibly awesome!) so it was wonderful to see her again. This time with her new little bundle in her arms!

closeup of newborn baby boy asleep in Plant City, FL photography studio

naked newborn boy in froggy pose on cream beanbag

Newborn baby boy sleeping at photo session

baby boy sleeping in blue bucket

Asian mom holding baby boy in her arms and kissing the top of his head

Newborn baby boy in studio for Tampa newborn session

Baby was so good for me! He slept great, and even when he was awake he wasn’t fussy at all. Just really calm and didn’t mind the camera at all. I’m so glad he did wake up, actually, because we got some wonderful pictures of that serious newborn stare.

newborn infant in white swaddle with eyes open

Mom and dad are both nurses—and both completely in love with their son. He is a beautiful baby boy and so easy to photograph. We got a ton of pictures!

Mom holding newborn son while Dad wraps his arms around her and kisses baby's head

Mom purchased our all-inclusive newborn photography package, which meant all of her images were included. She wanted them all and I can completely understand why. Narrowing down choices for this blog post was no easy task!

Are you in the process of looking for a Tampa, FL newborn photographer? The search can be super fun (who doesn’t love scrolling through galleries of baby pictures?) but once you’ve found a photographer you like it’s important to book your session ASAP. A lot of newborn photographers book out months in advance. And, since the ideal age for newborn photos is somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks after birth, you want to make sure you’re on the schedule early. You can inquire about my available dates here—I’d love to see you in the studio!

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